A life in design
Robert Fransgaard

I firmly believe that the best experiences respect that time is finite by ensuring participants gain more value and joy than the time they invest.

But that doesn't mean getting people as fast as possible through the experience. Rather it means giving them an experience worth remembering and worth returning for.

Rober Fransgaard graduated from the School of Visual Communication in Højer, Denmark in 1998.

After graduating, Robert teamed up with Phuc Van Dang, a fellow classmate, to designee Dingelink a website project aimed at young mobile phone users for Teledanmark, the leading Danish telecom at the time.

The success of the Dingelink project gave Robert a foundation to land a job in London in 1999, where he stayed until 2021 when he moved back to Denmark.

Robert's career can roughly be divided up in three time periods:

Robert has worked across a large number of channels, markets and industries and has led designers in 19 countries with individuals from many more countries.

The common thread in Robert's career has been design management and leadership roles, which he has held continuously since 2005.

Robert has managed staff in multiple countries:

UK, China, Sweden, Germany, India, USA, Denmark and more UK, China, Sweden, Germany, India, USA, Denmark and more

Today Robert lives in Denmark where he enables companies, large and small, to make the best of their design capabilities and raise their strategic experience ambitions.

What I do

Selected case studies